Management of Adhesive Capsulitis: An Annotated Bibliography

Introduction Adhesive capsulitis(AC) of the shoulder is a pathological process where excessive fibrous tissue are formed across the glenohumeral joint causing restriction of the shoulder range of motion (ROM) which then leads to subsequent pain and dysfunction (Le, Lee, Nazarian, & Rodriguez, 2017). AC is a common musculoskeletal malady in primary care. AC affects up […]
A Case of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury in a Beta Thalassemia Female Adolescent

Introduction: Primary care is a challenging yet fascinating scope as evidenced by the myriads of cases that come through the doors on a typical Monday morning. Primary care physicians are the first to encounter the initial complaint of a patient, be it medical, surgical or an injury based problem. A thorough history is then taken […]
The Biomechanics of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury: A Gender and Sport Bias Injury

Abstract The knee joint is truly unique. Despite all the medical armamentariums in this modern world, there is no way of replicating the real biomechanics of the knee joint. The knee joint stability is contributed by a variety of anatomical structures which include bone, menisci, muscles, tendons, ligaments and the joint capsule. Any derangement in […]

What is Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS)? Anatomy and who gets it? GTPS or lateral hip pain constitute a large number of musculoskeletal related presentations at the physician’s office1. GTPS is an umbrella term encompassing different clinical entities that may contribute to chronic intermittent lateral hip pain. Multiple labels such as “trochanteric bursitis” and “tronchanteritis” […]
Exercise-induced GI Distress

REFERENCES: Lis, D.M., et al., Low FODMAP: A Preliminary Strategy to Reduce Gastrointestinal Distress in Athletes. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 2018. 50(1): p. 116-123. de Oliveira, E.P. and R.C. Burini, Food-dependent, exercise-induced gastrointestinal distress. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2011. 8(1): p. 12. Cox, G.R., et al., Daily […]
Exercise Prescription in an Unfit Adult with at Least One Cardiovascular Risk Factor

Introduction There is a large body of evidence based medicine showing a dose-response relationship between physical activity and health outcomes1. The current American Heart Association (AHA) and American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommendations are moderate intensity physical activity for 30 minutes per day on five or more days in a week OR vigorous intensity […]
What is Female Athlete Triad?

In the early 1990’s, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) issued a model called the Female Athlete Triad. It was proposed as part of the Task Force on Women Issues. Its initial target was sports that emphasized on aesthetics or lower total body mass such as gymnastics, running and skating. There was higher incidence […]
The Jungle Ultra

The Jungle Ultra It is a self-supported 230 km race through the jungles of Manu National Park in Peru. There are 5 stages to this race which traverse jungle undergrowth, rivers and mountain valleys. The weather is unpredictable and it often rains with muddy terrains. Participants will require specialized gear, adequate nutrition and hydration. This […]
The Burden of Gout

Abstract “Gout- Disease of the Kings”, a long-recognized paradox in which an acute gouty attack is often linked with consumption of large amounts of alcohol and rich meals. It is the most common inflammatory arthritis causing burden to patient’s health and medical resources in New Zealand. Despite the clinical, and economic burden, patient compliance with […]
Heterotrophic ossification in radial head fracture

ABSTRACT Elbow injuries is a common injury seen in the acute setting. Radial head fractures are fairly common and accounts for approximately one third of elbow fractures1. Goals of management are directed at restoring early range of motion to prevent stiffness, pain and instability1. Post traumatic complications do occur infrequently but if missed can contribute […]